some modern masons are : FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, Chief Justice Earl Warren, President Gerald Ford, President Ronald Reagan (honorary), and Senator Robert Dole
The earliest known deck of tarot cards is ascribed to either Botticelli [a Mason] or his tutor Mantegna.
p.396 Holy Blood, Holy Grail - Michael Brigent
Of the "stages" of Cabalistic initiation, one of the most important is the stage known as Tiferet. In the Tiferet experience the individual is said to pass beyond the world of form into the formless - or, in contemporary terms, to "transcend his ego."
p.275 Holy Blood, Holy Grail - Michael Brigent
Researchers now believe that endorphins are responsible for the filtering of information by the Reticular System. Candace Pert, one of the discoverers of the endorphin receptors, has said that endorphins may actually determine our individual reality. She believes that endorphins may act as a filter, determining what information passes from one level of consciousness to another. Exactly how all of this occurs or is "decided" is certainly not known, but there is strong evidence that endorphin release in certain brain areas may be the key to many mystical experiences.
p.118 People of the Web - Gregory L. Little
Americans will be most interested in the All-Seeing Eye, the symbol of the Supreme Being, the Great Architect of the Universe, because it appears on every U.S. one-dollar bill, above a topless pyramid, a Masonic symbol for the unfinished Temple of Solomon.
p.222 Born in Blood - John J. Robinson
The earliest known deck of tarot cards is ascribed to either Botticelli [a Mason] or his tutor Mantegna.
p.396 Holy Blood, Holy Grail - Michael Brigent
Michael Leeden, another CIA member involved in the Iran-Contra scandal, became associated with the organized crime in Italy and other members of the Italian secret government organization P-2 in the 1980s. P-2 members were involved in some of the most unbelievable crimes of this century. Through Michele Sindona - who was a banker, P-2 operative, and Mafia member - P-2 aided CIA attempts to destabilize the Italian political left, was responsible for the failure of America's Franklin Bank (for which Sindona received a twenty-five-year prison sentence for fraud) and defrauded the Vatican of well over $250 million.
p.328 Elite Deviance - David R. Simon and D. Stanley Eitzen